I thought that this month it might be fun to give you some useful information that is not neccesarily widely known. We have been covering the use of and providing tipe on how to make the most of Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and even instagram. But clearly, the majority of those of you reading this right now likely use Facebook more than any of the other social media platforms.
Fake Facebook accounts is proving out to be a new trend on Facebook. It is estimated that 20-30% of total Facebook accounts are fake or even more. This number is anticipated to be increasing in the future. Fake accounts on Facebook are mainly created with an intention to SPAM all over Facebook and spread viruses. Many people create fake girl’s profiles to dupe some innocent Facebook users too.
Too bad that the powers that be at Facebook could not simply make them disappear. The reality is that they could do just that. They have made strides in the last year and Twitter became very aggressive in making sure that many phony accounts were deleted. But there is a long way to go!
First thing we see about any facebook account is their profile picture. If you find any facebook account on your friendlist suspicious, first thing you will do is use reverse image search. This helps you find out if similar pictures are available on internet. Here is how and it is really quite easy.
• First download or copy the profile picture of the account you find suspicious.
• Goto google images and click on the camera icon to the right in the search window which says search by image.
• Click on upload an image and choose the picture you had downloaded earlier.
• Google will show you similar images that already exist over internet.