As Rotarians we are by our mere nature, considered leaders by many. So why is it that we should do anything but take a leadership role in driving social media and developing new trends as well.
When you pull back and look at the big picture you would see that in the United States there is more attention given to Facebook between the hours of 7pm and 11pm than to national network television.That is not to say that we do not watch TV, it simply means that we watch it from our computers, or with a mobile device in our hands. We post, text, chat, SHARE, look at other videos and more. As for videos, when we start down that rabbit hole, we seem to go deep because according to Google, the typical person on a computer at noght is watching or posting an average of 9 minutes each evening. We use our social media (primarily Facebook) for making purchase decisions, information, support, communication with family, friends and to network building new relationships as well. We are also using Instagram at a new level.
Are you helping to market/share the Rotary Brand?
One segment of the social marketing segment that is hugely popular already with 15 to 25 year olds is Instagram. The surprise to few though is that the 25 to 55 age bracket represents its largest growth over the past year. Why?
Simple answer is that it is mobile device friendly and very quick to see a lot of images in a short period of time.
For those of you who do not have a Facebook account, simply click HERE and start now. The whole process will take about four (4) minutes and you will be on your way. In the event you need to set up a NEW Instagram account do yourself a favor and do this from your smartphone. It will save you a lot of time. Just go to the APPLE STORE or GOOGLE PLAY, download the app and you are on your way.
Be sure to post some of your local club activities and also TAG your photos with #rotary6950. That way we can begin to SHARE in the photos you post as well. Try it, you’ll like it!