Our Rotary year together has come to a close. And what an incredible time I have had crisscrossing the District, sharing Rotary with all of you. It’s time to reflect on the past year and how quickly it has gone. It has been a wonderful experience.
I was interviewed for the role of DG in October 2011. I aspired for the position and felt I could do a good job and meet lots of Rotarians along the way. Fast forward three years and nine months and it’s amazing to reflect on the great experience it has been.
A few highlights:
Membership: Our focus was on membership and the highlight of the year was our “Every One Bring One” campaign. PDG Jamie Mick did a fine job serving as Membership Chair this year. “Thank You” to all the Rotarians who have brought in new members and to the Clubs that have gained new members. And let’s continue to look for new Members and spread the belief of “Every One Bring One”.
The Caruso and Capps Event: The Caruso and Capps fun fellowship events we arranged last November was an amazing success. It was a wonderful evening of Rotary camaraderie and lots of laughs. The six-hundred Rotarians and spouses who came out for the three events experienced a fascinating night with those two hilarious and witty guys, Michael Caruso and John T. Capps. The spectators, some of whom became participants, will not forget that delightful evening for a very long time. Special thanks to our Caruso & Capps Committee, PDG Jamie Mick, PP John Litton, DGN Perry Bean and DGE Mike Chapman.
The District Conference: Our 2015 District Conference held at the Plantation Inn in Crystal River May 1st and 2nd was a huge success. Great keynote speakers and fine entertainment made our conference a worthwhile event. Many long time Rotarians said this may have been our best District Conference EVER! This could not have happened without the great effort of our District Conference Committee. Thank you, Amanda Fisher, Dianne Sharp and Brenda Wendt. If you were one of the 235 people who attended, spread the word: Rotary is FUN!
Public Relations: We set BIG goals for our Public Relations committee and we did very well thanks to the efforts of Public Relations Chair Tekoa Bean and Social Media expert John Litton. We implemented robust marketing efforts to promote District events, membership, social media, Vimeo and more.
Here are the results to date for these particular social media outlets.
Facebook Page: increased from 308 to 556 = 80.52% Increase
Facebook Group: increased from 287 to 520 = 81.18% Increase
Linkedin: increased from 109 Members to 148 = 35.78%
Our District Foundation: We have achieved another successful year for our Foundation giving. PDG Carl Treleaven assembled an outstanding district Foundation Committee with many dedicated Rotarians. Carl plans to serve one more year as foundation committee chairman then pass the responsibility on to PDG Jared Brown for the 2016-17 year. I want to thank all of you for continuing to support the Rotary Foundation with your personal and club contributions.
www.governorted6950.com I will continue my Rotary blog in fact I will have a lot more time to devote to it, so check in now and then and find out what Past District Governor Edward “Ted” Johnston is thinking.
In closing: It has been an honor and privilege to serve you as your District Governor for 2014-2015. Janet and I have valued the help and friendship we have received from so many people. Thank you for allowing us to share in your Rotary experience. We are better people for knowing you.
This year was very successful due to all the clubs and the huge number of Rotarians in the District. Without you our successes would not have occurred.
To Club Presidents, Area Governors, and members; what a brilliant job you have done and you should be very proud of your achievements. It was an honor to serve alongside such devoted Rotarians
The support I had made my job look easy and I must thank my district leadership for their many contributions.
And to my chief of Staff John Litton and District Secretary Brenda Wendt, “Thanks a Million”, you made my life easier!
To my home club, Kings Bay / Crystal River: “Thank you” for your support and encouragement and for allowing me the privilege to represent you and our District for the past twelve months.
The very best to District Governor-Elect Will Miller and Gray as you take over the reins July 1st. You will enjoy a rewarding and successful Rotary year.
We finish the year knowing that all of you have made a difference and that you have helped to “Light Up Rotary”! Tomorrow we can look back on how well we lit up Rotary…I am proud of each and every one of you!!!
~Governor Edward “Ted” Johnston
Office 352-795-2200